contrary to the will 意味

  • 意志{いし}に反して


        contrary:     1contrary n. 反対, 正反対. 【動詞+】 That's what he told me, but I believe the contrary. 彼はそう言ったが, ぼくはその逆を信じている She says one thing, and does the contrary. 言うこととすることが正反対だ An examination of
        contrary to:    contrary to に反して にはんして
        on the contrary:    on the contrary 却って かえって 引き換え 引換え 引換 引き替え 引替え ひきかえ 却 きゃく 其れ処か それどころか 引換て ひきかえて
        the contrary:    the contrary 半面 はんめん
        to be contrary:    to be contrary 捻くれる 拈くれる ひねくれる
        to the contrary:    それとは反対{はんたい}に、別の My brother will argue to the contrary. 兄は異論を唱えるだろう。 I've heard nothing to the contrary. Your own actions have provided evidence to the contrary. Prime minister Miyazawa is insisting
        act contrary to:    ~に反して行動{こうどう}する、~に反した行動{こうどう}をとる、~に違反{いはん}する◆規則?常識?主義などに
        clear contrary:    正反対{せいはんたい}
        contrary boy:    強情{ごうじょう}な少年{しょうねん}
        contrary concept:    反対概念{はんたい がいねん}
        contrary evidence:    反証
        contrary experience:    {著作} : 《The ~》ハーバート?リード自伝―対蹠的な経験◆英1963《著》ハーバート?リード(Herbert Read)
        contrary intention:    反対{はんたい}の意思{いし}
        contrary motion:    反進行{はん しんこう}、反行{はんこう}
        contrary opinion:    反対意見


  1. "contrary to the spirit of the legislation" 意味
  2. "contrary to the stereotype of" 意味
  3. "contrary to the terms of our agreement" 意味
  4. "contrary to the way one looks" 意味
  5. "contrary to the way someone's e-mail message may have sounded" 意味
  6. "contrary to what most people think" 意味
  7. "contrary to what one expected" 意味
  8. "contrary to what people believe about" 意味
  9. "contrary to what you might think" 意味
  10. "contrary to the way one looks" 意味
  11. "contrary to the way someone's e-mail message may have sounded" 意味
  12. "contrary to what most people think" 意味
  13. "contrary to what one expected" 意味

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